
Diablo 3 wiki sets
Diablo 3 wiki sets

diablo 3 wiki sets

For example, certain ranged weapons are usable only by Demon Hunters, and massive mighty weapons can only be used by Barbarians. Similarly, some equipment is restricted by character class. For example, a level 3 Barbarian cannot wield an axe that requires level 8. If you do not meet the level requirements, then you simply can’t equip it until you gain more experience. Move your mouse over an item for detailed information about it.

diablo 3 wiki sets diablo 3 wiki sets

Two-handed weapons empower high weapon damage attacks, critical hits and area of effect attacks. In general, dual-wielding aids fast attacks, resource generation, abilities that have a chance to trigger on hit, attribute bonuses, and gem socketing. Skills with significant weapon damage values (like 200% weapon damage) will hit (and critical hit) for high damage, allowing you to down enemies with a great deal of Life in fewer swings than comparable one-handed weapons. Two-handed weapons have higher damage values per hit than comparable one-handed weapons.Dual weapons generally have faster attack speeds, which can afford you quicker resource generation than two-handed weapons.You’ll often receive more statistical bonuses (and have more space to socket gems) while dual-wielding. Equipping two weapons means that you can receive bonuses from both items (for example, +20 Strength and +22 Strength from a pair of swords, for a total of +42 Strength).Your base damage while dual-wielding will tend to be lower than a comparable two-handed weapon for this reason. Your damage is based off of the weapon you hit your foe with, NOT a combination of both weapons. When you’re wielding two weapons, you alternate the weapon you swing with.This bonus increases your damage per second. Wielding two weapons provides a flat +15% bonus to your attack speed.

Diablo 3 wiki sets